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    Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn about the Shell sort algorithm and how to implement it in C.. Overview of Shell sort algorithm. The Shell sort algorithm is an extension of the insertion sort algorithm.Instead of exchanging adjacent elements, the Shell sort arranges elements that are far apart.





    C program to implement the Shell sorting algorithm. The c program written using arrays and function shell sort.
    5.10. The Shell Sort¶. The shell sort, sometimes called the “diminishing increment sort,” improves on the insertion sort by breaking the original list into a number of smaller sublists, each of which is sorted using an insertion sort.The unique way that these sublists are chosen is the key to the shell sort.
    This sorting algorithm is almost similar to the bubble sort algorithm. The shell sort compares elements that are a certain distance away (d positions away) from each other and it compares these elements repeatedly (bubble sort only compares adjacent elements.) It uses the equation d = (n + 1) / 2.
    The selection is a straightforward process of sorting values. In this method, to sort the data in ascending order, the 0 th element is compared with all other elements. If the 0 th element is found to be greater than the compared element, the two values get interchanged. In this way after the first iteration, the smallest element is placed at 0 th position.
    shell sort in C++ with Ciura gap sequence. Ask Question 0. I had a assignment due for class and have this code I turned in but I am not really sure if I did it correctly and would like some input from anyone who is knowledgeable with this problem. Browse other questions tagged c++ sorting
    This is a java program to implement Shell Sort Algorithm. Here is the source code of the Java Program to Implement Shell Sort. The Java program is successfully compiled and run on a Windows system. The program output is also shown below.
    In our shellsort function, we define gap to be half of what n is. So
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