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Home Forums GENERAL SECTION Feature Requests Players Creation Section Casual Design Requests

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  • #8603

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    I started off making casuals for fun, but now i’m getting more requests than i can handle. Some people just give me to little information on what they exactly want and when they can be found online. Another anoying little difficulty is that allot of people dont speak decent english or don’t know anything about a casual or w/e. If you can’t speak proper english ask a friend to help you or consult a dictionary. They ask me anoying questions like: What is a client? Can you give me this or that or blah blah blah. People don’t even know what the forum is??!!

    So i’m making it very simple. I will put in a link(of my guide) in this thread aswell as making this location the ONLY place where you can request for a casual. Leave your comment here with a request and a detailed description of what you really want.



    Please no posts with unnecessairy content, i will ask a PM to delete it if you do.

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