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Home Forums GENERAL SECTION Demons-Online Simple Tutorials [Guide] How to do color text in All Chats/Broadcasts

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  • #6793

    Lots of ppl asking me how to make coloured text in some simple tutorial ..If you are doing lets say something in bc lets say I wanted to say “I have black text” and I wanted to make the text black, I would type the following:

    I have black text

    Now you can add multplie colors to broadcasts as well like for example if I want to make a word half red and blue or two words of a different coplor I’for example redblue
    or blue and red I’d do the following code… Redblue=redblue in red and blue there is no spacessince I didn’t put a space after red so they’d be conjoined as one word. Now for two words…

    Blue and Red “and” will show up in blue because it is included in the blue color code ““

    Now for the chat system, Yes it IS possible to change the color of your font in talk, legion, friend, family, and whisper chat, I advise not doing it in whisper chat though. It will work in whisper chat but if they open up the chat screen with your name in it, they can see what you typed to do that.

    Now lets go back to the infamous contrast of black lets say I was to say something to you in friend chat and I wanted the text to appear in black I would type to you

    Yo whats up my text is black [/]

    You must include the [/] in there otherwise it will NOT work, the box will show up in the sentence to where all can see…but I found out a way to make the box disappear….But first try what I just taught you.

    After trying this you will notice how the color code didn’t show up correct? thats because is a code to make other codes invisible as long as whatever code is put after the / and before the > it will not show up. so if I typed out

    my text is black the [/] code will not show up but I must include the box at all costs

    Below is a link to the color codes so you will know how to do them just ireplace 000000 in with the number on top of the corresponding color on the chart.

    Simple usage on broadcast test test text will show as test test test

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