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Home Forums GENERAL SECTION Rules and Guidelines Forum RULES

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    Rules & Guidelines

    Moderators may, or may not be Demons-Online Reloaded staff members, but either way, please respect them, as they are the authority of the forums. Speaking to them with intentional spite will not be tolerated and may result in the loss of your forum privileges.

    The main language on Demons-Online Reloaded is English. All forum post made outside the international sections should only be in the English language.

    Do not post or shout links to inappropriate Internet sites, including, but not limited to, pornography, racism, hatred, exploits, phishing etc, sites.

    Friendly banter will be allowed, but be aware that it can sometimes gets out of hand.

    Sporting rivalry is allowed, but please use moderation. Riotous behaviour or remarks will not be tolerated.

    Do not upload any potentially dangerous attachements, including, but not limited to, dialers, virusses, trojans, backdoored files etc. Doing so will always result in a permanent ban from the site!

    Do not post, shout or upload any commercially intended material. Doing so will always result in a permanent ban from the site!

    Plagiarism will not be tolerated. If posting others work, give them the credit due.

    Posting links to other sites is to be discouraged, as the site or link often changes. Far better to download, check for viruses etc; and upload here.

    Posting or shouting flames against any religon because of their beliefs will not be tolerated either. Vulgar language, harassment, derogatory slurs, sexism, and slander will not be tolerated, as will user pictures containing inappropriate themes.

    Posting private discussions (conducted through e-mail, instant messaging, or IMS) can be done only with permission from the original individual(s).

    If you have a complaint regarding another user, e-mail the appropriate moderator or any of the staff members, or if you have an administrative issue, Walid,SoulNecturn.

    If HTML is permitted, do not use advanced HTML such as frames or tables to alter the format of your messages.
    Similarly, please do not use HTML unless you know it well enough to write a simple Web page. Incorrectly coded HTML can cause problems with the use of Demons-Online Reloaded forums for other users.
    Use HTML within reason; let your own mind be your guide. Links and font/color changes are perfectly acceptable; conversely, if you do anything to render your text unreadable or otherwise, your posts may be subject to deletion.
    Pop ups, Flash messages or any other type of sublime material is forbidden.
    Posts that misalign or otherwise corrupt the display of Demons-Online Reloaded forums are subject to immediate deletion, and multiple attempts to do so will result in the loss of your forum privileges.

    Posting or shouting links to other sites that offend or may offend other users will be edited out or their posts deleted, including but not limited to the types mentioned above.
    Sites expressing hatred towards individuals or groups of users on this site are also strictly forbidden.

    These rules are subject to change by only Demons-Online Reloaded staff members.
    Posting Credit Cards or Paypal accounts aren’t allowed on this website, members uploading those files receive a permanent ban.

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