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Home // Blog // [FEATURE] Divine Stones (DivineStoneBags)

By donating you receive DivineStones inside game that are equivalent to USD doantion worth! DivineStones can be used same way like usd donations – you will be able to obtain donor items from Donation Shop in game (Cronus: 343:346) or even by directly requesting addiotnal things from PM in proper worth of USD donations!

DivineStoneBag = TRADABLE item / Stackable till 65000 amount / On right click will procide +1 DivineStone.

DivineStone = NOT TRADABLE item / Stackable till 65000 amount / On right click will create + DivineStoneBag / USABLE at IN GAME DONOR SHOP!

20 Divine Stones = 1 USD (you can donate any amount of USD and you will be provided with Divine Stones inside game).
{Divine Stones is donation currency that you can use inside game Donor Shop! As more you spending Divine Stones inside game for goodies as bigger your SVIP will rise. As bigger Super VIP as more discounts (DivineStones getting back) you will gain when buying stuff!}

Additional Notice:
If you dont see something inside Donor Shop you can use DivineStones to obtain 5USD~Requester items from it and with enough amount of them request special items from PM (like gear +255, like donor suit, like VIP etc).

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