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Home Forums GENERAL SECTION Announcements and News [EVENTS CALENDAR] Place where Planned Events can be found!

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  • #9771

    Incomming and Running Events/MiniEvents:

    Please remember that during Sunday maintenance events for next week will be planned and announced here + under announcment page that is visible whenever player is logging into the game!

    All Events will start at 23:00 Maintenance time and will finish at 23:00 Maintenance time in listed dates (all server time)! At least if not will be written other way πŸ˜‰
    So for example event listed as [28-30.01.2015] will start at 23:00 28.01.2015 Server time πŸ˜‰

    WEEK 09.10.2016 till 16.10.2016

    During event time from all monsters on all maps there will be chance to find in drop: ComposeSouls + LuckBursters and even some INI!

    Details: During the event time player will be able to drop from all monsters LegionCoupons. With this item member of legion can add Legion Funds into legion.

    During this event compose rate (without CS!) will have 3x better effect then normal!

    Details: Special event made for couples!

    Details: Special hunting event for ExpShards – hunt and receive Expshards directly into bag!


    WEEK 02.10.2016 till 09.10.2016
    Details: There will be possibility to find new White Dragon beast on maps along with special White Dragon Horn to summon it. White dragon will be able to provide “random” rewards similar to beasts possibilities Its difficulty still will be easier then normal Beasts with some new rules!
    Details: Unieque item gathering event. During its time players will be able to look certain items
    Details: Durung event time – rewards from Seth – to be exact “SethBlood” + “Unix 36*” will be received by participants as 3x! Dont miss it!
    Details: During this event there will be chance to find in all normal monsters special MilkyStars items (from which player can forge DemonicStones!).

    WEEK 25.09.2016 till 02.10.2016
    Details: Higher possibility to drop ReaperBoxes from all monsters!
    Details: Hades Evil comming back. Get chance to meet Hades face to face and try to loot his chests!
    Details: + New spots…
    Details: Durung event time – rewards from Seth – to be exact “SethBlood” + “Unix 36*” will be received by participants as 3x! Dont miss it!
    Details: Special hunting event for ExpShards – hunt and receive Expshards directly into bag!

    WEEK 18.09.2016 till 25.09.2016
    Details: During this event from all monsters on “all” maps players will be gaining additional Doomsday Experience in low and huge amounts!
    Details: During this event there will be chance to find in all normal monsters special MilkyStars items (from which player can forge DemonicStones!).
    During this event compose rate (without CS!) will have 3x better effect then normal!
    Details: +1 to summon for all players possesing accounts with already 3 or more summon ability!
    Details: Special event made for couples!
    Detaiils: Possibility to loot HouseBricks items from all monsters!

    WEEK 11.09.2016 till 18.09.2016
    Details: There will be possibility to find new White Dragon beast on maps along with special White Dragon Horn to summon it. White dragon will be able to provide “random” rewards similar to beasts possibilities Its difficulty still will be easier then normal Beasts with some new rules!
    During event time from all monsters on all maps there will be chance to find in drop: ComposeSouls + LuckBursters and even some INI!
    Details: Unieque item gathering event. During its time players will be able to look certain items
    Details: During the event time player will be able to drop from all monsters LegionCoupons. With this item member of legion can add Legion Funds into legion.
    Detaiils: Possibility to loot HouseBricks items from all monsters!

    WEEK 04.09.2016 till 11.09.2016
    Details: Special hunting event for ExpShards – hunt and receive Expshards directly into bag!
    Details: Higher possibility to drop ReaperBoxes from all monsters!
    Details Rare type of event (dont expect to see this event happening often!)! During weekend all composes made by CS will be providing additonal 50% effect!
    Detaiils: Possibility to loot HouseBricks items from all monsters!
    Please check for details here:

    WEEK 28.08.2016 till 05.09.2016
    Details: During this event from all monsters on “all” maps players will be gaining additional Doomsday Experience in low and huge amounts!
    Details: Hades Evil comming back. Get chance to meet Hades face to face and try to loot his chests!
    During this event compose rate (without CS!) will have 3x better effect then normal!
    Details: Durung event time – rewards from Seth – to be exact “SethBlood” + “Unix 36*” will be received by participants as 3x! Dont miss it!
    Details: Special event made for couples!

    WEEK 21.08.2016 till 28.08.2016
    Details: Higher possibility to drop ReaperBoxes from all monsters!
    Details: Unieque item gathering event. During its time players will be able to look certain items
    Details: +1 to summon for all players possesing accounts with already 3 or more summon ability!
    Details: During this event there will be chance to find in all normal monsters special MilkyStars items (from which player can forge DemonicStones!).

    WEEK 07.08.2016 till 31.08.2016

    Details: Special drop from monsters on totally brand new Horns (Horns that can spawn Beasts or/and Dragons in more then default maps!)
    Details: Details of certain actions and genral details will be posted here soon ;)(before it begins ;))
    Details: Durung event time – rewards from Seth – to be exact “SethBlood” + “Unix 36*” will be received by participants as 4x! Dont miss it!
    Details: During this event there will be chance to find in all normal monsters special MilkyStars items (from which player can forge DemonicStones!).
    Details: During the event time player will be able to drop from all monsters LegionCoupons. With this item member of legion can add Legion Funds into legion.

    WEEK 07.08.2016 till 31.08.2016

    Details: When hunting on all sort of Doomsday Lands Player will receive 100x amount of Doomsday Experience then normal days!
    Details: Per killing XXX amount of “any” monsters player will be granted with additonal rewards.
    During this event compose rate (without CS!) will have 4x better effect then normal!
    Details: During this event there will be chance to find in all normal monsters special MilkyStars items (from which player can forge DemonicStones!).
    Details: Special event made for couples!

    WEEK 31.07.2016 till 07.08.2016

    Details: There will be possibility to find new White Dragon beast on maps along with special White Dragon Horn to summon it. White dragon will be able to provide “random” rewards similar to beasts possibilities Its difficulty still will be easier then normal Beasts with some new rules!
    Details: Hades Evil comming back. Get chance to meet Hades face to face and try to loot his chests!
    Details: During this event from all monsters on “all” maps players will be gaining additional Doomsday Experience in low and huge amounts!
    Details: Higher possibility to drop ReaperBoxes from all monsters!
    Details: Special hunting event for ExpShards – hunt and receive Expshards directly into bag!
    Details: Durung event time – rewards from Seth – to be exact “SethBlood” + “Unix 36*” will be received by participants as 3x! Dont miss it!
    Details: +1 to summon for all players possesing accounts with already 3 or more summon ability!

    WEEK 24.07.2016 till 31.07.2016

    Details: Special drop from monsters on totally brand new Horns (Horns that can spawn Beasts or/and Dragons in more then default maps!)
    During event time from all monsters on all maps there will be chance to find in drop: ComposeSouls + LuckBursters and even some INI!
    Details: Unieque item gathering event. During its time players will be able to look certain items
    Details: During this event there will be chance to find in all normal monsters special MilkyStars items (from which player can forge DemonicStones!).
    Details: During the event time player will be able to drop from all monsters LegionCoupons. With this item member of legion can add Legion Funds into legion.
    Details: +1 to summon for all players possesing accounts with already 3 or more summon ability!

    WEEK 17.07.2016 till 24.07.2016
    Details: During this event there will be chance to find in HIGH rate from all normal monsters special MilkyStars items (from which player can forge DemonicStones!).
    Details: – There will be few changes under this event starting from this edition!
    Details Rare type of event (dont expect to see this event happening often!)! During weekend all composes made by CS will be providing additonal 50% effect!
    Details: Special hunting event for ExpShards – hunt and receive Expshards directly into bag!
    Details: When hunting on all sort of Doomsday Lands Player will receive 40x amount of Doomsday Experience then normal days!

    WEEK 11.07.2016 till 17.07.2016
    Details: Special drop from monsters on totally brand new Horns (Horns that can spawn Beasts or/and Dragons in more then default maps!)
    Details: During this event from all monsters on “all” maps players will be gaining additional Doomsday Experience in low and huge amounts!
    During this event compose rate (without CS!) will have 4x better effect then normal!
    Details: Durung event time – rewards from Seth – to be exact “SethBlood” + “Unix 36*” will be received by participants as 4x! Dont miss it!
    Details: During this event there will be chance to find in all normal monsters special MilkyStars items (from which player can forge DemonicStones!).
    Details: During the event time player will be able to drop from all monsters LegionCoupons. With this item member of legion can add Legion Funds into legion.

    WEEK 04.07.2016 till 10.07.2016
    Details: There will be possibility to find new White Dragon beast on maps along with special White Dragon Horn to summon it. White dragon will be able to provide “random” rewards similar to beasts possibilities Its difficulty still will be easier then normal Beasts with some new rules!
    Details: Hades Evil comming back. Get chance to meet Hades face to face and try to loot his chests!
    Details: Higher possibility to drop ReaperBoxes from all monsters!
    Details: Unieque item gathering event. During its time players will be able to look certain items
    Details: +1 to summon for all players possesing accounts with already 3 or more summon ability!
    Details: Special hunting event for ExpShards – hunt and receive Expshards directly into bag!
    Details: Special event made for couples!

    WEEK 26.06.2016 till 03.07.2016
    During event time from all monsters on all maps there will be chance to find in drop: ComposeSouls + LuckBursters and even some INI!
    Details: During this event from all monsters on “all” maps players will be gaining additional Doomsday Experience in low and huge amounts!
    Details: During this event there will be chance to find in all normal monsters special MilkyStars items (from which player can forge DemonicStones!).

    WEEK 19.06.2016 till 26.06.2016
    Details: Special drop from monsters on totally brand new Horns (Horns that can spawn Beasts or/and Dragons in more then default maps!)
    Details Rare type of event (dont expect to see this event happening often!)! During weekend all composes made by CS will be providing additonal 50% effect!
    Details: Special hunting event for ExpShards – hunt and receive Expshards directly into bag!
    Details: Durung event time – rewards from Seth – to be exact “SethBlood” + “Unix 36*” will be received by participants as 3x! Dont miss it!
    Details: This special event will provide players way to compose with DOUBLE effect! Enjoy it as it will last from Monday 19.06.2016 till Friday 26.06.2016 πŸ˜‰

    WEEK 13.06.2016 till 19.06.2016
    Details: Special drop basing on Doomsday Level of players…
    During event time from all monsters on all maps there will be chance to find in drop: ComposeSouls + LuckBursters and even some INI!
    Details: There will be possibility to find new White Dragon beast on maps along with special White Dragon Horn to summon it. White dragon will be able to provide “random” rewards similar to beasts possibilities Its difficulty still will be easier then normal Beasts with some new rules!
    Details: Hades Evil comming back. Get chance to meet Hades face to face and try to loot his chests!
    Details: During this event there will be chance to find in all normal monsters special MilkyStars items (from which player can forge DemonicStones!).
    Details: During the event time player will be able to drop from all monsters LegionCoupons. With this item member of legion can add Legion Funds into legion.

    WEEK 05.06.2016 till 12.06.2016
    Details: Higher possibility to drop ReaperBoxes from all monsters!
    [08.06.2016@22:00->10.06.2016@22:00]=>Treasure Hunting Event!

    During this event compose rate (without CS!) will have 4x better effect then normal! YES there is no mistake – special 4 x Compose rate for full weekend for our Players! πŸ™‚
    Details: +1 to summon for all players possesing accounts with already 3 or more summon ability!
    Details: Special hunting event for ExpShards – hunt and receive Expshards directly into bag!
    Details: When hunting on all sort of Doomsday Lands Player will receive 20x amount of Doomsday Experience then normal days!

    WEEK 29.05.2016 till 05.06.2016
    Details: Special drop from monsters on totally brand new Horns (Horns that can spawn Beasts or/and Dragons in more then default maps!)
    Details: new special surprise Weekend event πŸ˜‰ Details soon πŸ˜‰
    Details: +1 to summon for all players possesing accounts with already 3 or more summon ability!
    Details: Durung event time – rewards from Seth – to be exact “SethBlood” + “Unix 36*” will be received by participants as 3x! Dont miss it!

    WEEK 23.05.2016 till 29.05.2016
    Details: There will be possibility to find new White Dragon beast on maps along with special White Dragon Horn to summon it. White dragon will be able to provide “random” rewards similar to beasts possibilities Its difficulty still will be easier then normal Beasts with some new rules!
    Details: Hades Evil comming back. Get chance to meet Hades face to face and try to loot his chests!
    Details: Special drop basing on Doomsday Level of players…
    Details: Durung event time – rewards from Seth – to be exact “SethBlood” + “Unix 36*” will be received by participants as 3x! Dont miss it!
    Details: During this event there will be chance to find in all normal monsters special MilkyStars items (from which player can forge DemonicStones!).

    WEEK 15.05.2016 till 22.05.2016

    Details: There will be possibility to find new White Dragon beast on maps along with special White Dragon Horn to summon it. White dragon will be able to provide “random” rewards similar to beasts possibilities Its difficulty still will be easier then normal Beasts with some new rules!
    [18.05.2016@22:00->20.05.2016@22:00]=>Treasure Hunting Event!
    Details Rare type of event (dont expect to see this event happening often!)! During weekend all composes made by CS will be providing additonal 50% effect!
    Details: Special event made for couples!

    WEEK 09.05.2016 till 15.05.2016
    Details: Higher possibility to drop ReaperBoxes from all monsters!
    Details: Special hunting event for ExpShards – hunt and receive Expshards directly into bag!
    Details: Hades Evil comming back. Get chance to meet Hades face to face and try to loot his chests!
    During this event compose rate (without CS!) will have 2x better effect then normal!
    Details: +1 to summon for all players possesing accounts with already 3 or more summon ability!
    Details: During the event time player will be able to drop from all monsters LegionCoupons. With this item member of legion can add Legion Funds into legion.

    WEEK 01.05.2016 till 08.05.2016
    Details: Special hunting event for ExpShards – hunt and receive Expshards directly into bag!
    Details: During this event there will be chance to find in all normal monsters special MilkyStars items (from which player can forge DemonicStones!).
    Details: During this event from all monsters on “all” maps players will be gaining additional Doomsday Experience in low and huge amounts!
    During event time from all monsters on all maps there will be chance to find in drop: ComposeSouls + LuckBursters and even some INI!
    Details: Durung event time – rewards from Seth – to be exact “SethBlood” + “Unix 36*” will be received by participants as 3x! Dont miss it!
    Details: When hunting on all sort of Doomsday Lands Player will receive 20x amount of Doomsday Experience then normal days!(Last month were all time turned on 10x)

    WEEK 24.04.2016 till 01.05.2016
    Details: There will be possibility to find new White Dragon beast on maps along with special White Dragon Horn to summon it. White dragon will be able to provide “random” rewards similar to beasts possibilities Its difficulty still will be easier then normal Beasts with some new rules!
    Details: Special drop from monsters on totally brand new Horns (Horns that can spawn Beasts or/and Dragons in more then default maps!)
    Details: Unieque item gathering event. During its time players will be able to look certain items
    Details: Special event made for couples!

    WEEK 18.04.2016 till 24.04.2016
    Details: During the event time player will be able to drop from all monsters LegionCoupons. With this item member of legion can add Legion Funds into legion.
    Details: Special hunting event for ExpShards – hunt and receive Expshards directly into bag!
    Details: Higher possibility to drop ReaperBoxes from all monsters!
    During this event compose rate (without CS!) will have 3x better effect then normal!
    Details Rare type of event (dont expect to see this event happening often!)! During weekend all composes made by CS will be providing additonal 25% effect!
    Details: +1 to summon for all players possesing accounts with already 3 or more summon ability!

    WEEK 11.04.2016 till 17.04.2016

    Details: Special hunting event for ExpShards – hunt and receive Expshards directly into bag!
    Details: During this event there will be chance to find in all normal monsters special MilkyStars items (from which player can forge DemonicStones!).
    Details: There will be possibility to find new White Dragon beast on maps along with special White Dragon Horn to summon it. White dragon will be able to provide “random” rewards similar to beasts possibilities Its difficulty still will be easier then normal Beasts with some new rules!
    Details: Unieque item gathering event. During its time players will be able to look certain items
    Details: Special event made for couples!

    WEEK 03.04.2016 till 10.04.2016

    Details: possibility to drop ReaperBoxes from all monsters!
    Details: Special drop basing on Doomsday Level of players…
    Details: Special Unique event to celebrate INI feature. There will be option to drop special items to craft INI gems during the event!
    Details: Durung event time – rewards from Seth – to be exact “SethBlood” + “Unix 36*” will be received by participants as 4x! Dont miss it!

    WEEK 28.03.2016 till 03.04.2016
    Details: Special hunting event for ExpShards – hunt and receive Expshards directly into bag!
    Details: During this event there will be chance to find in all normal monsters special MilkyStars items (from which player can forge DemonicStones!).
    Details: Special drop from monsters on totally brand new Horns (Horns that can spawn Beasts or/and Dragons in more then default maps!)
    Details Rare type of event (dont expect to see this event happening often!)! During weekend all composes made by CS will be providing additonal 50% effect!
    Details: This special event will provide players way to compose with DOUBLE effect! Enjoy it as it will last from Monday 28.03.2016 till Friday 01.04.2016 πŸ˜‰

    WEEK 20.03.2016 till 27.03.2016
    Details: During the event time player will be able to drop from all monsters LegionCoupons. With this item member of legion can add Legion Funds into legion.
    Details: Special hunting event for ExpShards – hunt and receive Expshards directly into bag!
    Details: Hades Evil comming back. Get chance to meet Hades face to face and try to loot his chests!
    Details: Unieque item gathering event. During its time players will be able to look certain items
    Details: +1 to summon for all players possesing accounts with already 3 or more summon ability!
    Details: soon soon πŸ˜‰

    WEEK 13.03.2016 till 20.03.2016
    Details: Special hunting event for ExpShards – hunt and receive Expshards directly into bag!

    Details: possibility to drop ReaperBoxes from all monsters!
    Details: There will be possibility to find new White Dragon beast on maps along with special White Dragon Horn to summon it. White dragon will be able to provide “random” rewards similar to beasts possibilities Its difficulty still will be easier then normal Beasts with some new rules!
    Details Rare type of event (dont expect to see this event happening often!)! During weekend all composes made by CS will be providing additonal 25% effect!
    Details: Special event made for couples!
    Details: WomensDay will brng additional fun in game – details soon πŸ˜‰

    WEEK 06.03.2016 till 13.03.2016
    Details: Durung event time – rewards from Seth – to be exact “SethBlood” + “Unix 36*” will be received by participants as 3x! Dont miss it!
    Details: +1 to summon for all players possesing accounts with already 3 or more summon ability!
    Details: Special hunting event for ExpShards – hunt and receive Expshards directly into bag!
    Details: During this event there will be chance to find in all normal monsters special MilkyStars items (from which player can forge DemonicStones!).
    Details: Special drop basing on Doomsday Level of players…
    Details: Special event made for couples!
    Details: WomensDay will brng additional fun in game – details soon πŸ˜‰

    WEEK 28.02.2016 till 06.03.2016
    Details: During the event time player will be able to drop from all monsters LegionCoupons. With this item member of legion can add Legion Funds into legion.
    Details: Special drop from monsters on totally brand new Horns (Horns that can spawn Beasts or/and Dragons in more then default maps!)
    Details: Higher possibility to drop ReaperBoxes from all monsters!
    During this event compose rate (without CS!) will have 2x better effect then normal!

    WEEK 21.02.2016 till 28.02.2016
    Details: Durung event time – rewards from Seth – to be exact “SethBlood” + “Unix 36*” will be received by participants as 3x! Dont miss it!
    Details: Special hunting event for ExpShards – hunt and receive Expshards directly into bag!
    Details: Hades Evil comming back. Get chance to meet Hades face to face and try to loot his chests!
    Details: There will be possibility to find new White Dragon beast on maps along with special White Dragon Horn to summon it. White dragon will be able to provide “random” rewards similar to beasts possibilities Its difficulty still will be easier then normal Beasts with some new rules!
    Details: Unieque item gathering event. During its time players will be able to look certain items

    WEEK 14.02.2016 till 21.02.2016
    Details: During this event there will be chance to find in all normal monsters special MilkyStars items (from which player can forge DemonicStones!).
    Details: Increased special hunting event for ExpShards – hunt and receive Expshards directly into bag!
    Details Rare type of event (dont expect to see this event happening often!)! During weekend all composes made by CS will be providing additonal 25% effect!
    Details: +1 to summon for all players possesing accounts with already 3 or more summon ability!
    Details: Special event made for couples!

    WEEK 07.02.2016 till 14.02.2016

    Details: Special hunting event for ExpShards – hunt and receive Expshards directly into bag!
    Details: Hades Evil comming back. Get chance to meet Hades face to face and try to loot his chests!
    Details: Higher possibility to drop ReaperBoxes from all monsters!
    During this event compose rate (without CS!) will have 3x better effect then normal!
    Details: Special event made for couples!

    WEEK 31.01.2016 till 07.02.2016
    Details: During the event time player will be able to drop from all monsters LegionCoupons. With this item member of legion can add Legion Funds into legion.
    Details: Durung event time – rewards from Seth – to be exact “SethBlood” + “Unix 36*” will be received by participants as 3x! Dont miss it!
    Details: There will be possibility to find new White Dragon beast on maps along with special White Dragon Horn to summon it. White dragon will be able to provide “random” rewards similar to beasts possibilities Its difficulty still will be easier then normal Beasts with some new rules!
    Details: Special drop of all kind of D.Exp Crystals everywhere πŸ™‚

    WEEK 24.01.2016 till 31.01.2016
    Details: possibility to drop ReaperBoxes from all monsters!
    Details: Special drop from monsters on totally brand new Horns (Horns that can spawn Beasts or/and Dragons in more then default maps!)
    Details: Special Unique event to celebrate INI feature. There will be option to drop special items to craft INI gems during the event!
    Details: Special hunting event for ExpShards – hunt and receive Expshards directly into bag!

    WEEK 18.01.2016 till 24.01.2016
    Details: +1 to summon for all players possesing accounts with already 3 or more summon ability!
    Details: Hades Evil comming back. Get chance to meet Hades face to face and try to loot his chests!
    Details: Increased special hunting event for ExpShards – hunt and receive Expshards directly into bag!
    Details: During the LBV10 event – all players who will dare to hunt with ONLY 1 pet in bag will be able to drop LuckBurstV10 easier then ever! Decision will be yours πŸ˜‰
    Details Rare type of event (dont expect to see this event happening often!)! During weekend all composes made by CS will be providing additonal 50% effect!

    WEEK 11.01.2016 till 17.01.2016
    Details: possibility to drop ReaperBoxes from all monsters!
    Details: Increased special hunting event for ExpShards – hunt and receive Expshards directly into bag!
    Details: Special drop from monsters on totally brand new Horns (Horns that can spawn Beasts or/and Dragons in more then default maps!)
    Details: Unieque item gathering event. During its time players will be able to look certain items
    Details: There will be possibility to find new White Dragon beast on maps along with special White Dragon Horn to summon it. White dragon will be able to provide “random” rewards similar to beasts possibilities Its difficulty still will be easier then normal Beasts with some new rules!

    WEEK 03.01.2016 till 10.01.2016
    Details: Finish Event for Xmas Stick gathering….
    Details: Hades Evil comming back. Get chance to meet Hades face to face and try to loot his chests!
    Details: During the event time player will be able to drop from all monsters LegionCoupons. With this item member of legion can add Legion Funds into legion.
    During this event compose rate (without CS!) will have 3x better effect then normal!

    WEEK 20.11.2015 till 27.12.2015
    [15.12.2015@22:00->31.12.2015@22:00]=>Xmass 2015 Events Pack
    Details: Between these days will be run multiple events connected with Xmass. Details can be found here:
    Details: During this week mini events will take place randomly. This means one day can be XXX event and another day YYY event πŸ™‚ So just enjoy it πŸ˜‰

    WEEK 07.11.2015 till 13.12.2015
    Details: +1 to summon for all players possesing accounts with already 3 or more summon ability!
    Details: There will be possibility to find new White Dragon beast on maps along with special White Dragon Horn to summon it. White dragon will be able to provide “random” rewards similar to beasts possibilities Its difficulty still will be easier then normal Beasts with some new rules!
    Details: Higher possibility to drop ReaperBoxes from all monsters!
    Details: Special event made for couples!
    Details: Special events packs for Xmass – details will be provided before it start – like always πŸ˜‰

    WEEK 30.11.2015 till 06.12.2015
    Details: During the event time player will be able to drop from all monsters LegionCoupons. With this item member of legion can add Legion Funds into legion.
    Details: Special hunting event for ExpShards – hunt and receive Expshards directly into bag!
    During this event compose rate (without CS!) will have 3x better effect then normal!
    Details here:
    {Turkey dish drop event will be extended till 04.11.2015 but in lower drop amount!}

    WEEK 23.11.2015 till 29.11.2015
    Details: possibility to drop ReaperBoxes from all monsters!
    Details: Hades Evil comming back. Get chance to meet Hades face to face and try to loot his chests!
    Details: Special drop from monsters on totally brand new Horns (Horns that can spawn Beasts or/and Dragons in more then default maps!)
    Details here:

    WEEK 16.11.2015 till 22.11.2015
    Details: Special hunting event for ExpShards – hunt and receive Expshards directly into bag!
    Details: During the event time player will be able to drop from all monsters LegionCoupons. With this item member of legion can add Legion Funds into legion.
    Details: There will be possibility to find new White Dragon beast on maps along with special White Dragon Horn to summon it. White dragon will be able to provide “random” rewards similar to beasts possibilities Its difficulty still will be easier then normal Beasts with some new rules!
    Details Rare type of event (dont expect to see this event happening often!)! During weekend all composes made by CS will be providing additonal 50% effect!

    WEEK 09.11.2015 till 15.11.2015
    Details: Hades Evil comming back. Get chance to meet Hades face to face and try to loot his chests!
    Details: Special drop from monsters on totally brand new Horns (Horns that can spawn Beasts or/and Dragons in more then default maps!)
    Details: +1 to summon for all players possesing accounts with already 3 or more summon ability!
    Details: possibility to drop ReaperBoxes from all monsters!
    Details: Durung event time – rewards from Seth – to be exact “SethBlood” + “Unix 36*” will be received by participants as 4x! Dont miss it!

    WEEK 02.11.2015 till 08.11.2015
    Details: This event will be merged from pack of different halloween events. All details for this event and next parts of it will be announced in separate proper for this thread vey soon – before it start πŸ˜‰
    Details: During the event time player will be able to drop from all monsters LegionCoupons. With this item member of legion can add Legion Funds into legion.
    Details: Special hunting event for ExpShards – hunt and receive Expshards directly into bag!
    Will try to prepare something new πŸ™‚

    WEEK 28.10.2015 till 01.11.2015
    Details: This event will be merged from pack of different halloween events. All details for this event and next parts of it will be announced in separate proper for this thread vey soon – before it start πŸ˜‰
    Details: Special hunting event for ExpShards – hunt and receive Expshards directly into bag!
    Details: Hades Evil comming back. Get chance to meet Hades face to face and try to loot his chests!
    Details: possibility to drop ReaperBoxes from all monsters!
    Details: There will be possibility to find new White Dragon beast on maps along with special White Dragon Horn to summon it. White dragon will be able to provide “random” rewards similar to beasts possibilities Its difficulty still will be easier then normal Beasts with some new rules!

    WEEK 19.10.2015 till 25.10.2015
    Details: Special event made for couples!
    Details: possibility to drop ReaperBoxes from all monsters!
    During event time from all monsters on all maps there will be chance to find in drop: ComposeSouls + Universal36* + LuckBursters!
    During this event compose rate (without CS!) will have 2x better effect then normal!
    Details: This event will be merged from pack of different halloween events. All details for this event and next parts of it will be announced in separate proper for this thread vey soon – before it start πŸ˜‰

    WEEK 12.10.2015 till 18.10.2015
    Details: EXP-Shards will automatically gather into bag in big amounts from all monsters!
    Details: Durung event time – rewards from Seth – to be exact “SethBlood” + “Unix 36*” will be received by participants as 3x! Dont miss it!
    Details: During the event time player will be able to drop from all monsters LegionCoupons. With this item member of legion can add Legion Funds into legion.
    Details: There will be possibility to find new White Dragon beast on maps along with special White Dragon Horn to summon it. White dragon will be able to provide “random” rewards similar to beasts possibilities Its difficulty still will be easier then normal Beasts with some new rules!

    WEEK 05.10.2015 till 11.10.2015
    Details: Hades Evil comming back. Get chance to meet Hades face to face and try to loot his chests!
    Details: Special drop from monsters on totally brand new Horns (Horns that can spawn Beasts or/and Dragons in more then default maps!)
    Details: possibility to drop ReaperBoxes from all monsters!

    WEEK 28.09.2015 till 04.10.2015
    Details: During the event time player will be able to drop from all monsters LegionCoupons. With this item member of legion can add Legion Funds into legion.
    Details: Special high autopickup drop from slayed monsters ExpShards items!
    [02.10.2015@22:00->04.10.2015@22:00]=>+1 Summoning and Dragon HP cut to 20%!

    WEEK 21.09.2015 till 27.09.2015
    Details: possibility to drop ReaperBoxes from all monsters!
    During event time from all monsters on all maps there will be chance to find in drop: ComposeSouls + Universal36* + LuckBursters!
    During this event compose rate (without CS!) will have 2x better effect then normal!
    Details: Special event made for couples!

    WEEK 14.09.2015 till 20.09.2015
    Details: Special hunting event for ExpShards – hunt and receive Expshards directly into bag!
    Details: Hades Evil comming back. Get chance to meet Hades face to face and try to loot his chests!
    Details: Durung event time – rewards from Seth – to be exact “SethBlood” + “Unix 36*” will be received by participants as 3x! Dont miss it!
    Details: Special event made for couples!

    WEEK 06.09.2015 till 13.09.2015
    Details: During the event time player will be able to drop from all monsters LegionCoupons. With this item member of legion can add Legion Funds into legion.
    Details: possibility to drop ReaperBoxes from all monsters!
    Details: During the event – all Beasts will respawn 2 times faster + 2 times more on all maps that own beasts!

    WEEK 31.08.2015 till 06.09.2015
    Details: possibility to drop ReaperBoxes from all monsters!
    Details: When huntin on all sort of Doomsday Lands Player will receive 5x amount of Doomsday Experience then normal days!
    During this event compose rate (without CS!) will have 3x better effect then normal!

    WEEK 24.08.2015 till 30.08.2015
    Details: During the event time player will be able to drop from all monsters MilkyStars items – which can then exchange into DemonicStones to get additional Summon for time frame.
    Details: Hades Evil comming back. Get chance to meet Hades face to face and try to loot his chests!
    Details: During the event – all Beasts will respawn 2 times faster + 2 times more on all maps that own beasts!

    WEEK 17.08.2015 till 23.08.2015
    Details: EXP-Shards will drop in big amounts from all monsters!
    Details: possibility to drop ReaperBoxes from all monsters!
    Details: During the event time player will be able to drop from all monsters LegionCoupons. With this item member of legion can add Legion Funds into legion.

    WEEK 10.08.2015 till 16.08.2015
    Details: During the event time player will be able to drop from all monsters LegionCoupons. With this item member of legion can add Legion Funds into legion.
    During event time from all monsters on all maps there will be chance to find in drop: ComposeSouls + Universal36* + LuckBursters!
    During this event compose rate (without CS!) will have 2x better effect then normal!

    WEEK 03.08.2015 till 09.08.2015
    Details: possibility to drop ReaperBoxes from all monsters!
    Details: EXP-Shards will drop in big amounts from all monsters!
    Details: Soon….

    WEEK 27.07.2015 till 02.08.2015
    Details: EXP-Shards will drop in big amounts from all monsters!
    Durung event time – rewards from Seth – to be exact “SethBlood” + “Unix 36*” will be received by participants as 4x! Dont miss it!
    Details: Monsters on all maps will be giving possibilities to drop large range of different Spawn Horns(with beasts,Dragons etc)
    During event time from all monsters on all maps there will be chance to find in drop: ComposeSouls + Universal36* + LuckBursters!

    WEEK 20.07.2015 till 26.07.2015
    Details: During the event time player will be able to drop from all monsters MilkyStars items – which can then exchange into DemonicStones to get additional Summon for time frame.
    Details: During the event time player will be able to drop from all monsters LegionCoupons. With this item member of legion can add Legion Funds into legion.
    During this event compose rate (without CS!) will have 2x better effect then normal!

    WEEK 13.07.2015 till 19.07.2015
    Details: EXP-Shards will drop in big amounts from all monsters!
    Details: possibility to drop ReaperBoxes from all monsters!
    Details: Something new and fun…!

    WEEK 06.07.2015 till 12.07.2015
    [07.07.2015@22:00->12.07.2015@22:00]=>Dragons Swarm Event!
    During this event – Dragons (Bone and Doomsday types) will be spawning in amounts x7 then normal rate! Use it at max!
    During event time from all monsters on all maps there will be chance to find in drop: ComposeSouls + Universal36* + LuckBursters!
    [07.07.2015@22:00-10.07.2015@22:00]=>Beasts Horn Drop Event!
    Details: Monsters on all maps will be giving possibilities to drop large range of different Spawn Horns(with beasts,Dragons etc)

    WEEK 29.06.2015 till 05.07.2015
    Details: When hunting on all sort of Doomsday Lands Player will receive 7x amount of normal Doomsday Experience!
    Details: EXP-Shards will drop in big amounts from all monsters!
    Details: Soon πŸ˜‰

    WEEK 22.06.2015 till 28.06.2015
    [26.06.2015@22:00->28.06.2015@22:00]=>Hades Treasure Event!
    Hades Evil comming back. Get chance to meet Hades face to face and try to loot his chests!
    [26.06.2015@22:00->29.06.2015@22:00]=>Dragons Swarm Event!
    During this event – Dragons (Bone and Doomsday types) will be spawning in amounts x7 then normal rate! Use it at max!
    [15.06.2015@22:00->28.06.2015@22:00]=>RAMADAN Drop Event!
    Details: Possibility to drop Ramadan item from monsters.
    [26.06.2015@22:00->28.06.2015@13:00]=>Mystery Shopping!
    Details: New Event Shop. For Short period of time there will be option to buy certain items for certain amounts of EPs + D.Exp {only high amounts}

    WEEK 15.06.2015 till 21.06.2015
    Durung event time – rewards from Seth – to be exact “SethBlood” + “Unix 36*” will be received by participants as TRIPLED! This means as best(good score in best time killed) you can get even 126 SethBlood per Seth event! Dont miss it!
    During event time from all monsters on all maps there will be chance to find in drop: ReaperBox + BeastHorns + D.Crystals!
    During event time from all monsters on all maps there will be chance to find in drop: ComposeSouls + Universal36* + LuckBursters!
    During this event compose rate (without CS!) will have 2x better effect then normal!

    WEEK 01.06.2015 till 07.06.2015
    [03.06.2015@22:00->07.06.2015@22:00]=>Dragons Swarm Event!
    During this event – Dragons (Bone and Doomsday types) will be spawning in amounts x7 then normal rate! Use it at max!
    [05.06.2015@22:00->07.06.2015@22:00]=>Universal. 6* Rain Event!
    During this event player will be able to find as additional nice drop many unixes 36*!
    [06.06.2015@22:00->07.06.2015@22:00]=>Hades Treasure Event!
    Hades Evil comming back. Get chance to meet Hades face to face and try to loot his chests!

    WEEK 18.05.2015 till 24.05.2015
    [19.05.2015@22:00-21.05.2015@22:00]=>EXP-Shard Drop Event!
    Details: EXP-Shards will drop in big amounts from all monsters!
    [21.05.2015@22:00-22.05.2015@22:00]=>Beasts Horn Drop Event!
    Details: Monsters on all maps will be giving possibilities to drop large range of different Spawn Horns(witb beasts,Dragons etc)
    [21.05.2015@22:00-23.05.2015@22:00]=>Hades Treasure Event!
    Hades Evil comming back. Get chance to meet Hades face to face and try to loot his chests!
    [23.05.2015@22:00-25.05.2015@22:00]=>Loves Around Event!
    Details: Mainly event for couples. Player by hunting alone will be able to loot special exchnage items… when hunting with couple will be able to gain addional special items!

    WEEK 11.05.2015 till 17.05.2015
    During this event – Dragons (Bone and Doomsday types) will be spawning in amounts x5 then normal rate! Use it at max!
    Details: When hunting on all sort of Doomsday Lands Player will receive 7x amount of normal Doomsday Experience!
    [14.05.2015@22:00->15.05.2015@22:00]=>Universal. 6* Rain Event!
    During this event player will be able to find as additional nice drop many unixes 36*!
    [15.05.2015@22:00->16.05.2015@22:00]=>2xCompose Event!
    During this event compose rate (without CS!) will have 2x better effect then normal!

    WEEK 04.05.2015 till 10.05.2015
    Details: possibility to drop ReaperBoxes from all monsters!
    Hades Evil comming back. Get chance to meet Hades face to face and try to loot his chests!
    Details: EXP-Shards will drop in big amounts from all monsters!

    WEEK 27.04.2015 till 03.05.2015
    [28.04.2015@22:00-29.04.2015@22:00]=>Hades Treasure Event
    Hades Evil comming back. Get chance to meet Hades face to face and try to loot his chests!
    [29.04.2015@22:00-01.05.2015@22:00]=> Universal 36* Rain Event!
    During this event player will be able to find as additional nice drop many unixes 36*!
    [01.05.2015@22:00-03.05.2015@22:00]=>5xD.Exp on ALL Doomsday Lands!
    Details: When huntin on all sort of Doomsday Lands Player will receive 5x amount of Doomsday Experience then normal days!
    [01.05.2015@22:00-03.05.2015@22:00]=>Doomsday DRAGON HORDE
    Info: Number of Dragons spawning on doomsday maps will be TRIPLED! Yes this means you will find way more of them and often… so as your rewards will be bigger thnaks to this πŸ˜‰ Enjoy hunting DragonSlayers πŸ˜‰

    WEEK 20.04.2015 till 26.04.2015
    Details: During event from all monsters there will be additional possibility to find CS in drops
    Details: possibility to drop ReaperBoxes from all monsters!
    Details: EXP-Shards will drop in big amounts from all monsters!

    WEEK 13.04.2015 till 19.04.2015
    Details: EXP-Shards will drop in big amounts from all monsters!
    Hades Evil comming back. Get chance to meet Hades face to face and try to loot his chests!
    Details in time πŸ˜‰

    WEEK 06.04.2015 till 12.04.2015
    [08.04.2015@23:00-10.04.2015@23:00]=>Doomsday DRAGON HORDE
    Info: Number of Dragons spawning on doomsday maps will be TRIPLED! Yes this means you will find way more of them and often… so as your rewards will be bigger thnaks to this πŸ˜‰ Enjoy hunting DragonSlayers πŸ˜‰
    [10.04.2015@23:00-11.04.2015@23:00]=>2xCompose Event for STANDARD Server!
    Details: Normal full 1 day of Double Composing fun just for Standard Server!
    [10.04.2015@23:00-11.04.2015@23:00]=>3xCompose Event for EXTREME Server!
    Details: Normal full 1 day of TRIPLE Composing fun just for Extreme Server!
    [08.04.2015@23:00-12.04.2015@23:00]=>5xD.Exp on ALL Doomsday Lands!
    Details: When huntin on all sort of Doomsday Lands Player will receive 5x amount of Doomsday Experience then normal days!

    WEEK 30.03.2015 till 07.04.2015
    Details can be found here:
    Details can be found here:
    Details can be found here:
    Details: possibility to drop ReaperBoxes from all monsters!

    WEEK 22.03.2015 till 29.03.2015
    [23.03.2015@23:00-25.03.2015@23:00]=>EXP-Shard Drop Event.
    Details: EXP-Shards will drop in big amounts from all monsters!
    [26.03.2015@23:00-28.03.2015@23:00]=>EXP-Shard+ ComposeSoul[CS] Drop Event.
    Details: EXP-Shards will drop in big amounts from all monsters!
    [25.03.2015@23:00-26.03.2015@23:00]=>ComposeSoul[CS] DROP event.
    Details: During Saturday there will be additional possibility to find CS in drops – from all monsters πŸ˜‰
    [27.03.2015@23:00-05.04.2015@23:00]=>EASTER Events.
    Details: Easter is comming with big steps. Incomming weekend will start the event pack of Easter πŸ™‚ The fun will begin!

    WEEK 16.03.2015 till 22.03.2015

    WEEK 09.03.2015 till 15.03.2015
    [09.03.2015@23:00-13.03.2015@23:00] => 5xD.Exp on ALL Doomsday Lands.
    Details: When huntin on all sort of Doomsday Lands Player will receive 5x amount of Doomsday Experience then normal days!
    [11.03.2015@23:00-13.03.2015@23:00] => EXP-Shard Drop Event.
    Details: EXP-Shards will drop in big amounts from all monsters!
    [13.03.2015@23:00-14.03.2015@23:0] => 2xCompose Event.
    Details: Normal full 1 day of Double Composing fun!
    [16-18.03.2015] => Saint Patrick`s Day Event.
    Details: Saint Patrick`s Day – Green Man approaching! – Special event will begin soon – detials will be provided before it start πŸ˜‰

    WEEK 02.03.2015 till 09.03.2015
    [04.03.2015@23:00-06.03.2015@23:00]=>Hades Chest Event
    Hades Evil comming back. Get chance to meet Hades face to face and try to loot his chests!
    [06.03.2015@23:00-09.03.2015@23:00]=>Women`s Day Event
    Special evrnt for special incomming Women’s Day – well Man`s day too πŸ˜‰

    WEEK 23.02.2015 till 01.03.2015
    [24.02.2015@23:00-26.02.2015@23:00]=>EXP-Shard Drop Event
    Details: EXP-Shards will drop in big amounts from all monsters!
    [26.02.2015@23:00-27.02.2015@23:00]=>Doomsday DRAGON HORDE
    Details: Dragons on Doomsday lands + Bone Dragons = all together will spawn in large increased amounts!
    [27.02.2015@23:00-01.03.2015@23:00]=>Mystery Shopping
    Details: New Event Shop. For Short period of time there will be option to buy certain items for certain amounts of EPs + D.Exp {only high amounts}
    [27.02.2015@23:00-28.02.2015@23:00]=>2x Compose Event
    Details: Normal full 1 day of Double Composing fun!

    WEEK 16-22.02.2015

    [17-19.02.2015] => Bone Dragons Attack
    During the event time – Amount of Bone Dragon spawning will be increased!
    [20.02.2015] => ReaperBox Drop Event
    Simply – 1 day (23:00 Thursday till 23:00 Friday to be exact!) of possibility to drop nice amounts of doomsday reaper boxes!
    [20-22.02.2015] => Hades Treasure Even
    New featured event;) Details will be provided before it start in separate thread (explaining what is what) πŸ˜‰

    WEEK 09-15.02.2015

    [10-15.02.2015]=>VALENTINE Event will be runned. All Details about what/where etc will be provided before it start πŸ˜‰ For sure there will be new special valentine suit to obtain + some nice goodies for couples πŸ˜‰
    [09-11.02.2015]=>EXP-Shard Drop Event. Between 09.02.2015 (23:00 maintenance time) till 11.02.2015 (23:00 maintenance time) all monsters will be giving chance to drop EXP-Shards (so you can gather them enoigh and exchange into needed EXP-Crystals ;))
    [12-13.02.2015]=>Doomsday DRAGON HORDE Even.
    Info: Between 12-13.02 number of Dragons spawning on doomsday maps will be TRIPLED! Yes this means you will find way more of them and often… so as your rewards will be bigger thnaks to this πŸ˜‰ Enjoy hunting DragonSlayers πŸ˜‰
    [14-15.02.2015]=>ComposeSoul[CS] DROP event.
    Info: During Whole weekend there will be additional possibility to find CS in drops – from all monsters πŸ˜‰

    WEEK 01-15.02.2015

    [5-6.021.2015]=> 4x D.Exp from killing monsters on ALL Doomsday Lands.
    [07.02.2015]=> 2x Compose Event {Will last from Friday Maintenance till Saturday Maintenance time. ComposeSoul [CS] will not have effect under this!}
    [08.02.2015]=> ReaperBox Drop event {Full Sunday will last}

    WEEK 19-25.01.2015

    [28-30.01.2015]=>Server Integration {participate in tasks to unlock event}
    Info: All players in game will be able to participate in certain actions such as everyday ones + special(this could be: killing, claim, finishing quests…). By participating in them Total points of participation will be gathered. When Total Participation Points will reach certain stages, proper event will be be unlocked for incomming weekend!
    This means as more players will participate, as better version of event will be unlocked!

    [31.01-01.02.2015]=>Special Event {Depends on 2 previous days contribution}
    Info: This event will be depending on Total Participation Points accumulated by all players on server together in 2 previous days. Its effect will depend on total scrore.
    Info: Details about Feature:
    During the event time (Sunday-Monday)[from maintenance till maintenance] there will be possibility to drop ComposeSouls (Not easy!) from All monsters – just a lunching of feature event until rest ways to obtain these items will be provided

    WEEK 19-25.01.2015

    [21-25.01.2015]ReaperBox Event Drop!{All Monsters can drop ReaperBoxes}
    [21-25.01.2015]3xD.EXP Event!{Monsters in Doomsday maps provide 3xD.Exp}
    [24-25.01.2015]EXP Crystals Event!{Drop of EXP Shards => EXP crystals}

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