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Home // Blog // ThanksGiving 2017


Start: 20.11.2015 (22:00 = maintenance)
Finish: 26.11.2015 (22:00 = maintenance)

his year Thanksgiving event will be about hunting monsters on ALL maps of the game. During hunting there will be possibility to drop 4 types of thanksgiving piece of dishes:

Player can gather all of those items (by stacking each in max 50 amounts) and get it to the Cook in cronus so he will prepare special Thanksgiving dish!
When the main dish will be prepared (it consist from 1 of each four pieces) player will be able to eat it and thanks this receive nice, great or super reward!

Possible Rewards:
* Universal 36*
* ComposeTokens
* ComposeSouls
* EPs Bags (1mill 10mill and 50mill)
* TecnoFrogMount (rare)
* ExpShards
* XPBooster
* 10k LuckBoosters
* MilkyStars

Enjoy the rewards!

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