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Home // Blog // Demons Online REBORN – New Server Opening!

Greetings everyone,

We are happy to inform that on 01.11.2016 at 20:00 Server Time New Server under Demons Online will be released – DEMONS ONLINE REBORN!
Since few days there is already possibility to register new account for this new server but proper openinng (possibility to login into game) happen at provided here time!

We wish to inform in same time that new server was prepared under own rules – so its not same like standard or extreme. Reborn will characterize to not have in shops items like universals 30 or 36, gems, special exp balls, gods blessings or even supermoonboxes! All these items will be aimed to obtain via playing = Hunting on monsters/bosses/beasts and via minievents or Events!
In same time we wish to ensure that Standard and Extreme server will be reciving all time updates along with new server – just in different ways and rates mostly. All 3 of our servers will be treaten in same important way!
All new players who wish to begin journey from fresh start and compete with others who starting in same time – then Reborn is the way.
All players who wish to rise and have easier play with experienced long playing super community – standard and extreme servers are the way.

To be clear – ALL our servers are aimed to run for Many Years. Until players will be playing on our servers – as long we will be here and organizing the fun 😉 So sounds like forever 😉

Here you have in short small characteristics of available servers where you can get loads of pleasure:
Chose Wisely server – each of them offering something unique in own way 😉

REBORN Server Specifications:
* Player start with VIP6 privileges
* No gems inside shop (gems can be obtained from Bosses/Beasts and low chance on all monsters kill drop)
* SuperMoonBox – obtainable from Bosses/Beasts
* GodsBlessing – obtainable from Bosses/Beasts
* Universal30* / Universal36* and SpecialExpBalls obtainable only from hunting’s/quests/beasts/bosses/special map drops/events etc (low amounts in general)
* All pets were REDESIGNED! There are 6 Types of pets now: Warrior/Mage/Defender/Combo/Mounts/Universals – rates of each are same for each type (this means all pets of same type will be possible to change between via Golden animal ;))
Each pet type will rise high in stars per compose (high compose worth rate) BUT their attributes are always LOW rate! (balanced to work best with luck and ini stats)
– Warrior – growing in Patk+HP (Convergable) (can be appointed as TACTICAN/SQUIRE/KNIGHT/CAVALIER/DERVISH)
– Mage – growing in Matk+HP  (NOT convergable) (can be appointed as TACTICAN/SQUIRE/KNIGHT/CAVALIER/DERVISH)
– Combo – Patk/Matk/Pdef/Mdef/HP  (Convergable) (can be appointed as TACTICAN/SQUIRE/KNIGHT/CAVALIER/DERVISH/GUARDIAN/LANCELOT)
– Mounts (HP rising) (NOT convergable) (can be appointed as ACROBAT)
– Universals (Cannot be composed) (Cannot be assigned as Knight) (Not convergable)
* COMPOSE RATE – Every Compose will give 50-100 Star points but amount of attributes recived is minimal! (No compose limits – this part is limited by amount of unixes and specexpballs obtained!) Rate are not low for sure – you will be doing less composes but with bigger worth of star rates!
* TRADE LIMITS – all pets over 3.000 Stars will be not anymore tradable – they will become binded to certain character!
– this way game will be more balanced and fair (no more sharing/borrowing and wrong selling higher worth pets)
– The only way to trade such pets will be possible via Golden Animal (this means monitored limited way)
– Trade block will allow on more nice events to happen inside game
* LuckBursting has daily limit usage (5.000 Luck can be at max provided by player daily) (LuckBursters can be used on pets that reached already 3.000*)
* Drops and EPs/D.Exp rates adjusted to be balanced for new server
– eps.d.exp per 10 kills half amount compared to standard server
– drops changed to fit server needs: new items in drop like gems/unixes/expballs etc
– Unixes from events/quests lowered to fit game balance
– amount of EPs/D.Exp obtainable depends on many factors (D.Lvl/Abilities/HouseLvl/Maps..) – along with character rising rates rising!
* PVE system – modernizied to fit new Reborn Server needs based on factors: Character attributes (Gear+Suit+gems+knight+skills) and Demons attributes (patk/matk/pdef/mdef/luck/INI/BP) – ALL listed factors MATTERS!
* PVP system – modernizied monsters atk/def to fit new Reborn Server needs based on factors: Character attributes (Gear+Suit+gems+knight+skills) and Demons attributes (patk/matk/pdef/mdef/luck/INI/BP) – ALL listed factors MATTERS!

STANDARD Server Specifications:
* Starting with VIP1
* Compose Rate Low (10-50 star points per compose possible) (standard attributes gains)
* amount of EPs/D.Exp obtainable depends on many factors (D.Lvl/Abilities/HouseLvl/Maps..) – along with character rising rates rising!
* Pets over 100k* Not Tradable
* Universals30* and SpecialExpBalls in Shop
* System designed to maintain High BP amounts! (Yes you can in short time gain thousends BP)
* Server online Since 2009 (big community)

EXTREME Server Specifications:
* Starting with VIP1
* amount of EPs/D.Exp obtainable depends on many factors (D.Lvl/Abilities/HouseLvl/Maps..) – along with character rising rates rising! 2x AMOUNT then on standard Server
* Compose Rate Low (30-150 star points per compose possible) = 3x Amount of Stanadard Compose Rates
* Pets over 100k* Not Tradable
* Universals30* and SpecialExpBalls in Shop
* System designed to maintain High BP amounts! (Yes you can in short time gain thousends BP)
* Summon4 and Summon5 available via DivineStones
* Server online Since 2009 (big community)

Everyone are welcome to join the fun on chosen server 😉
If you happen to have any questions please feel free to ask.

Best Regards
Demons Online Team

1 Comments ON " Demons Online REBORN – New Server Opening! "
  • alt_example

    aco1990 01/11/2016 at 12:36 pm -

    thats mean…we are need more donate to be stronger?? :/ im speak for reborne

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