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Home // Blog // [READ THIS!] Scams/Friends/Help/Claims/Problems = Explanation words!

This topic is being created just to remember everyone about few simple rules and reasons why some actions shouldn’t be made by players – or at least players should consider this deeply before doing and then crying!


1) Scam rule explanations and examples!

2) Help needed. How to contact PM and what include in info!
a) Lost password (game account)
b) Lost warehouse password (game account)
c) Believe that was scammed – report scammer
d) Believe that someone is cheating – report cheater
e) I was punished/banned/jailed – how to get free
f) Other


AD 1) Scam rule explanations and examples!

Lets start from quoting our rule from in game rules ( about scams:
By giving login and pass to your account you take on you FULL responsibilities for all acts that will happen during your absence!
IF someone will steal your pets, items, ep while being logged on your account when you are offline, Its not our problem and we wont be investigating such cases anymore!! ITS YOUR job to be sure nothing like this will happen!
As we can read white on black – Player is fully responsible for own account, character, items, pets, eps, money and other things that is holding on own account!

Lets list possible reasons of being “theoretically” scammed:
– I gave my password to my friend = WRONG!
– I gave my password to my father = still WRONG!
– I gave my password to trusted player = very WRONG!
– I “borrowed” my pet to my friend/father/noob player = W.R.O.N.G.
– I traded my gear to XXX = WRONG!
– I left my account logged in at Internet Caffee – WRONG! -.-
– I bought item/pet etc from other player because “I” though I could use it or its “smething else” = WRONG!
– I gave/allowed other player to use my account because I thought I will leave server = OVER!
– I gave my pet to friend who was composing for me and he was banned because broke rules = Your pet is LOST!
– I downloaded/used macro/hack software and 2 days later someone enter on my account without my knowledge! = You got the answer already!
– My younger brother sit on my character and said many bad stuff on BC when I was in WC = WHO CARES!!???
– I gave 100.000.000 eps to player because he said he will give me VIP7 = ONLY PM CAN PROVIDE DONOR REWARDS!!
– I gave 200.000.000 eps to player because he said he talked/or will talk with Soul/Walid(PMs) and they told him that reward will get next day = DO NOT EVER GIVE ANYONE ANY STUFF FOR DONOR STUFF BEFORE YOU WILL GET CONFIRMATION FROM PM!!!!!
– I gave him access to my account because he said he is friend of Soul/Walid = IF SOMEONE WILL TOLD YOU TO JUMP INTO FIRE BECAUSE IT WILL MAKE YOU ICH – WOULD YOU DO IT TOO? Second thing = WHOEVER ASK FOR SOMETHING LIKE EPS/STUFF OR INFO LIKE PASS claiming he is friend of PM ITS A LIE 100%
– I posted info with my details because I required help from PM and in next 10 minutes my account was stolen! = DO NOT EVER PUT details like pass or even your mail or IP to public!
– …(there are more similar stupid actions)…

On this list there are many positions connected with sharing Account, Pets, Items etc … We do not forbidding to share account BUT we as well we wont be spending hours in help in problems that almost always comming from the fact of this sharing!
Remember – Under this game we had accidents where Brothers scammed each other! Where husband scammed wife! Good friends scammed best friends …
ALWAYS – Whenver you wish to trade anything or give someone access to own account – THINK 10000 times again about consequences …. its not good to join the pack of players who lost pets with thousands of stars… who lost hundred millions of eps … who was banned because someone did bad for them etc… Its pretty sure non of you wish to be on place of being screwed!

So simply USE THE HEAD before doing those and other similar stupid things.

WARN! If you will do those stuff and you will be bugging PM and arguing that PM should give back your stuff because of your mistake – you risk of total IP and all accounts connected BAN! So watch out on who you putting guilty! You were warned!

AD 2) Help needed. How to contact PM and what include in info!

a) Lost password (game account)

If you wish to get new password just send Private Message here at forum to PM requesting new password. You will need to provide “only” these information:
– Which server you playing(Standard or Extreme)
– What is your account name (login name)
– What is your email binded to this account
as subject make: “Request for new password in game”

Here is link to write Private Message to PM:

IMPORTANT: We do not send new passwords on emails provided by player if they are different then those binded ones! We do not deal with password resets inside game so do not bug PM inside game to reset pass or provide in game details!

b) Lost warehouse password (game account)

Warehouse password can be easly reseted. For this you just need to send Private Message to PM including:
– Which server you playing(Standard or Extreme)
– Your in game character name (Proper – small/big letters MATTERS!)
– What is your email binded to this account that hold your character
as subject make: “Request for WH pass remove”

Here is link to write Private Message to PM:

c) Believe that was scammed – report scammer

Sometimes player get scammed by other players. As was explained at top of this thread – we wont be taking care of most of cases comming from players stupidity about which we were warnning 1000 times (honestly those are 99% cases as can be seen). But some cases require actions and we will take certain steps to make the justice!
SO if you believe you were scammed then provide “proper” detailed information about the case:
* how you were scammed
* when you were scammed
* by whom
* introduce yourself (your nick, which server etc)

And of course provide PROVES that could state that you are saying truth… We will ONLY do actions IF we will receive proper proves – we wont base and make any kind of punishing just because someone will send us info “I was scammed please ban XXXX” … NO! We need something way more!

Here is link to write Private Message to PM with all details:

If you will wish to attach some ScreenShots you can upload images for example at: and then include links to certain pictures while writing message!

d) Believe that someone is cheating – report cheater

You catch someone on autocomposing/botting or other crime that should require punishment to make this game fair?
Do this:
– make SS or gather all necessary information about the case
– send all details on PM message box at forum
– PM in free time and in calm will check if this case require punishment or not …

Here is link to write Private Message to PM with all details:

e) I was punished/banned/jailed – how to get free

You were jailed 5 days ago? You were muted for 10 days? You were banned for month? After this time you still are in jail/muted or banned?
Here is answer how to get out!

First of all you need just send simple Private Message to PM requesting to let you out explaining that your punish time passed!
In Private Message include:
– Which server you playing
– Your in game character name (Proper – small/big letters MATTERS!)
– When you were punished (more less day at least basing on banned list thread information:
Standard banned thread:
Extreme banned thread:
Make as Subject: “Punishment is over I want to be free”

Here is link to write Private Message to PM with all details:

f) Other

There are many there stuff that player would need to contact PM and ask/discuss/report … Just REMEMBER! Whenever you send Message to PM ALWAYS include:
– your Character name or Account name (depending on case)
– on what server you playing (Standard or Extreme)
– put good subject so we will easly and faster read it!
– include proeper and details explanations about the case!
– DO NOT ever provide passwords! PM never need any passes!

Examples of improper messages to PM (those are full versions that we often receiving from beginning to the end!):

“Hello PM I need help, I hope you can help me, write me back”

“I need help, my pet was stolen, help!”

“If you find time check who took my items”

“Dear PM, I need help
Please send my password on my email:”

“Can you help? I cannot register to the game”

And more and more – those are examples only from last week …
As can be noticed easly – NONE of those messages tells us:
– etc…

Please everyone – we just request simple head shake while sending requests to us… We are not gods and we do not know everything and for sure we wont be spending hours just to find out who send to us message or guessing what this player wants from us…

We hope this small Guide will save some our players from losing itself and later problems…

Best regards
Demons Online Team

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